What's the saying..."If you don't like the weather in Texas just wait a few minutes and it will change?"
Well, a change is coming! We are going from the 70's to possible sleet and snow, just today!! Bad weather is anticipated late this afternoon...and tonight it will drop into the 20's! Now, I know that doesn't sound "horrible" to those in the north who have been having HIGHS in the 20's, but down here....a little sleet and snow and it seems the world stops! LOL
I look out and it seems the cows are a bit restless...they can "feel" weather changes and the herd moves accordingly. During severe cold and/or heavy rain and wind they move behind the tank damn, and the damn and trees protect them from severe weather!
So, we (well I should say my husband) is busy getting hay down for them, taking some hay to our neighbors, getting the pipes wrapped, hoses put up, heat lamp in the well house, etc! Gosh...I'm already tired just thinking about all that activity! :) I will be putting some hay into the "cat house" for my outside cats so they can burrow down tonight and stay warm!! The house and the patio (and we built them a "lean to" that extends out) protects them from the strong north wind and rain, but I just feel better putting some hay into their house for extra insulation!
Collected some great "sculputured" poop yesterday and this morning and have it now drying out in the barn! My husband loves the fact that I've turned one corner of his barn into a "poop" holder area! LMBO!! What can I say....
Will also be doing some "special coating" this afternoon so that I have additional sculptures ready to go when needed!! I hope you have had to the chance to visit the "web page" and see the different sizes and ways our "Cow Turd Sculptures" are done! Of course, we are coming up with new ideas all the time along with suggestions from friends, so if you want something you don't see....just let me know!!
Everyone have a glorious day and remember:
"Laughter is the sweetest music that ever greeted the human ear"

- What's up at the ranch.......
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
A Beautiful Day
Here it is, the last few days of November and we may reach the high 70's!! Early this morning as I let the "babies" out to run and play I didn't even need a jacket as I watched them chase each other around the pasture, all of us enjoying the freshness of the air and watching the the sun rising in the east, it's rays peeking through the few clouds left, letting us know it was going to be a gorgeous day!!
The ducks are on the tank, some of them just swimming around and some sticking their heads into the water and waving their little duck feet in the air hoping to catch a small minnow as it swims by or grabbing some underwater vegetation! As the temperature begins to cool, more ducks will find their way to the tank..they seem to migrate together! We do not allow any hunting on our property and the ducks seem to know this, as there are times we have over 50 swimming, playing and residing here until spring!
I'll be going out to "poop" collect this afternoon...finding just the "right ones" that will look great as a sculpture!! Sometimes those cows look at me as if I'm a nut...but I just smile and tell them to "keeping poopping"!
Ahhhh....the beauty of this day!!!
The ducks are on the tank, some of them just swimming around and some sticking their heads into the water and waving their little duck feet in the air hoping to catch a small minnow as it swims by or grabbing some underwater vegetation! As the temperature begins to cool, more ducks will find their way to the tank..they seem to migrate together! We do not allow any hunting on our property and the ducks seem to know this, as there are times we have over 50 swimming, playing and residing here until spring!
I'll be going out to "poop" collect this afternoon...finding just the "right ones" that will look great as a sculpture!! Sometimes those cows look at me as if I'm a nut...but I just smile and tell them to "keeping poopping"!
Ahhhh....the beauty of this day!!!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sooo...what's with the Poop?

Well, what does one do with a pasture full of cow poop? Step over it, hope the dogs don't roll in in...or collect it and make Cow Turd Sculptures!!
Do I see a smile....a shake of the head....and hear even laughter??? Great, because that was the concept behind our Sculptures...to bring laughter and enjoyment into gift giving, not only for the gift giver but also the recipient!!
Imagine this...it's Christmas Day, a birthday, or any other special occassion in which you wish to give a gift....
You have purchased one of our Cow Turd Sculptures with a fabulous saying you have picked out, the gift is wrapped and just sitting there waiting to be opened! The tension mounts as you just know this gift will be a total surprise..and one that your friend, spouse or other family member would never have found in a store....
Well, it's time...and your gift in now in the hands of the recipient!! They slowly peel off the tape..start taking off the wrapping...your excitement continues to build and you are about to bust at the seams for them to get this gift opened and see their face! The wrapping paper is now off...the box lid is opened...a hand reaches in and pulls out something wrapped in tissue paper...they are puzzled as they normally have always been able to figure out their gifts from you (ohh..but not this time you think, standing there with a Cheshire the Cat grin on your face)! The tissue paper is slowly pulled back and there it is....a Cow Turd Sculpture!!! After the initial, "What the hell...???" you hear bursts of laughter from around the room, with the "oohhs and ahhs"..."this is sooo cool"...."where did you find this?"!!
Your gift was a HUGE success and you accomplished many things that day...no one will ever know what to expect from you again, and you were able to bring laughter into another's life and give them something that will continue the flow of laughter and enjoyment as their Cow Turd Sculpture sits on their desk, on a mantel, or anywhere else they wish to display it for their continued joy and the joy and laughter of others!!
*"The most utterly lost of all days is the one in which you have not once laughed."
Visit our collection of Cow Turd Sculptures here
unusual gifts
Saturday, November 25, 2006
A Little Piece of Country Heaven
Okay, so we can't get Chinese delivery (or any delivery for that matter), and have to drive 20 minutes to get to the nearest store, restaurant or gas station, but......
Walk outside and see the vastness and beauty of the land, listen and you can hear the birds as they sing and talk to one another, teasing the dogs and cats as they swoop down and chirp at them, then look like little "rockets" as they fly out of reach!
The sun begins to set, the sky over the horizon turns an array of blues, purples and pinks...causing a gasp as the natural beauty unfolds before us, ever changing and ever more beautiful.
And then the night appears quickly and noticeably because there are no street lights that give off that artificial glare. Look up and as far as you can see, millions of stars are twinkling in the heavens looking as picturesque as the lights on a beautiful Christmas tree!
Our dogs are able to run and play, chasing the cows, the birds, the ducks on the pond and each other...running full speed ahead and there are no worries of streets, cars or leash laws! It is a joy to watch them play and then come inside for their, one of many, "naps"!!
It is a delight to watch the cows grazing in the pastures lazily enjoying the day. Their young calves running and playing with each other as "kids" do, and then even getting in trouble with mama cow for going to far out of the "boundries" she has apparently set for play time!
Do I miss the "food" delivery and other conveniences that is so readily available in the city? On rare occassions, sometimes I do, but I wouldn't trade the beauty, peace and joy of country living for any of those conveniences!!
Walk outside and see the vastness and beauty of the land, listen and you can hear the birds as they sing and talk to one another, teasing the dogs and cats as they swoop down and chirp at them, then look like little "rockets" as they fly out of reach!
The sun begins to set, the sky over the horizon turns an array of blues, purples and pinks...causing a gasp as the natural beauty unfolds before us, ever changing and ever more beautiful.
And then the night appears quickly and noticeably because there are no street lights that give off that artificial glare. Look up and as far as you can see, millions of stars are twinkling in the heavens looking as picturesque as the lights on a beautiful Christmas tree!
Our dogs are able to run and play, chasing the cows, the birds, the ducks on the pond and each other...running full speed ahead and there are no worries of streets, cars or leash laws! It is a joy to watch them play and then come inside for their, one of many, "naps"!!
It is a delight to watch the cows grazing in the pastures lazily enjoying the day. Their young calves running and playing with each other as "kids" do, and then even getting in trouble with mama cow for going to far out of the "boundries" she has apparently set for play time!
Do I miss the "food" delivery and other conveniences that is so readily available in the city? On rare occassions, sometimes I do, but I wouldn't trade the beauty, peace and joy of country living for any of those conveniences!!
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