This is a sad day at the ranch.....
Early this morning, my husband and I were awakened by our inside dogs going crazy, barking and carrying on at the front window...looking outside to see what was going on I was horrified to see my sweet cat, Callie, being visciously attacked by THREE dogs that have been known to terrorize this area!! Screaming and running outside they took off and my precious Callie was laying there unable to move!!
What makes this even worse, is that these three dogs (2 chows and a mix) came onto OUR property and somehow managed to break our fence at one of the wooden posts to get into OUR front yard...the one place that Callie, Abby and Rascal (her offspring) felt safe from harm!!!
We rushed Callie to the vets, but alas, there was nothing Dr. Margaret could do! X-rays showed she had broken ribs and the right side of her stomach lining, although not visible to the human eye, was almost shredded. We brought her home and buried her this afternoon under a beautiful tree that overlooks one of our tanks.
I am sickened by this and cannot seem to get the picture of these dogs, not only on our property but in our fenced yard, attacking my precious, sweet Callie.
Unfortunately, this is NOT the first time these dogs have attacked animals and the owners of these vicious dogs don't seem to care and will NOT fix their fence to keep them in! They run in a pack and attack that way. These neighbors have previously been told and warned that these dogs have attacked other animals and all you ever heard was "oh..sorry:..."..."put a 'cap' in 'em if you have to"!! We recently found out that they were attempting to attack a small calf of one of our neighbors and they scared them away with a bb gun! Well, enough is enough....and if they come onto our property again they WILL BE SHOT!!!! There are no more apologies that I want to hear....these dogs are worse than coyotes...and are vicious and mean!!
But I want to celebrate the life of Callie and thank her for the joy she brought into our lives....
6 years ago, on a stormy Easter evening she somehow found her way to our property, got into our yard thru the gate and went into a dog house we have on the porch (that our USE to be outside dog turned inside dog use to stay)! We did not realize this until the next day when we came home and saw a little kitten that was at the side of the house! We brought that little kitten inside and put it in a little box and I went out to see where it could have come from and found a gorgeous but hungry Calico cat on our porch with a litter of kittens! She was so sweet and just meowed and meowed.....
Well, my husband promptly went to the store for cat food and the rest is history...she was here to stay!! She would wait for me to go out on the porch to keep an eye on her kittens and our Sheltie would go out with her and walk so she could potty, etc. Our Sheltie, Angel, was the only dog she let near her kittens! It was so cute!!
Well, those adorable kittens finally grew and the males, of course, took off, but two of the females Abby and Rascal stayed and have been here ever since!!
Go outside and Callie was always right there, wanting to see what you were doing, trying to help, and talking (meowing) the whole time!! She loved rolling onto her belly so you could pet her and when you went outside and called her name...she'd come running!
She use to love trying to get into the house when I would go out to feed...it was a game we played...she'd try to sneak in and I'd tell her "no"!! She, Abby and Rascal would lay out in the sunshine in the yard soaking up the rays, and at night would cuddle together in that "cat house" and would just barely open their eyes when you went to tell them goodnight!!
Little did I know that saying goodnight to her last night would have been the last time......
She was a wonderful and beautiful friend that brought so much joy into our lives and I am thankful for the time that we had together...I know she is in heaven now, running and playing with our past loving pets that have gone before us and making new friends while she chases butterflys!!
WE LOVE AND MISS YOU CALLIE.........................