Well, I must say, the last day of November went out with a "bang" here at the ranch....a COLD bang that is!! Sleet, snow and heavy winds!!! Although the temp didn't get above freezing, and hovered around the 20's and teens, the wind was the worst!! Sometimes looking out the wind was blowing so hard I almost thought I saw white tumbleweeds rolling across the pasture...of course, it was only tufts of snow and ice but it was quite a sight!!
The cows, horse and mule came out from their "hiding spot" being the tank damn and trees to eat lunch....

Of course, the Queen Bee, "Sierra" always helps feed and "watches" so the cows don't get into the horses food...

Today, however, promises to be a better and much prettier day! No howling wind, and stepping outside the sun is shining brightly on the ice and snow that fell...making everything look like a crystal palace! The beauty of the snow and ice will disappear later today, we will be getting into the high 40's and the sun, as I am writing, is melting away yesterdays "news" like Frosty the Snowman in summer!!
What a beautiful December 1st day!!! Always remember: " Laughter is but a frown turned upside down"!!
The QB resting after her hard day of snow and ice......LOL

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